We recognise that each child is an individual and provide a varied range of activities which are planned around their needs and enable them to develop at their own pace.
Our qualified staff provide a relaxed, happy and stimulating environment in which children have individual attention and support when required. Our Special Needs Coordinator provide help to those children who have disabilities or learning difficulties.
The children learn through play which is essential for their development and our well planned curriculum delivers the learning and development requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is divided into 7 areas of learning which are all interconnected.
The Prime Areas covered are Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional development. The Specific Areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Our curriculum incorporates all these areas.
We have a key person system within the setting and each member of staff builds strong relationships with their children, reporting on their progress and liaising with parents and carers.
Children’s development is continually monitored and progress is recorded for parents in the form of a 2 year progress check and detailed learning journals for all children which are completed online via Tapestry, allowing for regular secure updates for parents and carers.
We have a very strong relationship with parents and have an ‘open door policy’ for you to discuss your children’s progress and development at any time. We encourage parents to share their skills with the children and aim to acknowledge all the festivals that are celebrated in the area.
Our activities include music time, messy play, singing, Storytime, Makaton, outdoor play, a Nativity play, a Christmas party, sports day and various fun outings in our local area.